
Selectricity Blog
September 5, 2007

Selectricity (Re)Launched

Filed under: News — Benjamin Mako Hill @ 10:08

After a long summer of work, we’ve launched a new version of Selectricity today with loads of improvements and features. This really marks a move from a proof-of-concept research prototype to a site that people can really use.

The site is live today with a brand new design by Courtland Allen with help from Alyssa Wright, and a whole bunch of improved results visualizations by Justin Sharps. There’s a huge amount of other work that’s been made to the site as well. Not all of it is ready to be launched today but we’ll be showing off new features in the next few weeks and months.

If you are interested in Selectricity, in hearing about our new features, or in tracking new features, please go ahead and subscribe to this blog which will, moving forward, be the best way to stay up to date.

Congratulations to John, Justin, and Courtland who put in long hours over the last few months to make this come together. Your work definitely shows!


  1. Would be fantastic to have OpenID login.

    Comment by Marcello Semboli — September 17, 2007 @ 02:56

  2. I completely agree! As always, patches are welcome!

    Comment by Benjamin Mako Hill — January 10, 2013 @ 18:31

  3. The new interface is so much better than the old one.. I hope that full elections will be soon available.

    Comment by Stefano Costa — September 27, 2007 @ 06:11

  4. […] September, Selectricity was launched with the ability to create QuickVotes and to use Selectricity Anywhere. Since September, users have […]

    Pingback by Selectricity News » Free Culture Student Board Elected Using Selectricity — February 15, 2008 @ 13:08

  5. I’ve spent the last three week building I though I was the first to build a website that use the Schulze Method. And now I see that your web site is similar to mine. ah lol, that make for good competition. Drop me a line if you have any comments.

    Comment by Louis Philippe Lessard — May 28, 2009 @ 10:55

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