
Selectricity Blog
September 7, 2010

New Project Page and Mailing List

Filed under: News — Benjamin Mako Hill @ 10:17

We’ve reflected a little bit and received some good feedback since our formal announcement of code yesterday and taken a couple additional steps to help lay groundwork for easier contribution and collaboration on, or support of, the Selectricity codebase.

First, we’ve moved our code into a project on Gitorious which we can now treat as the main development hub for Selectricity. For those that haven’t heard of it, Gitorious is a hosting provider for git that provides a nice interface for merge requests, source viewing, and more. It’s a bit like GitHub except is run (like Selectricity) as a free network service. We’ve updated the the documentation with this information. The project page to visit on Gitorious is here:

Second, we’ve created a mailing list to help coordinate development and support. Anyone is welcome to join and we’d encourage anyone to do so here:


  1. Is this project alive?

    Comment by Pablo Lorenzzoni — February 9, 2011 @ 16:03

  2. Hi Pablo!

    Selectricity is not under active development any longer. The project is still online, and its maintained. We’re looking for someone else to take over work on it. Unfortunately, at the moment, it doesn’t look like that can be me.

    Comment by Benjamin Mako Hill — January 10, 2013 @ 18:28

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